Traditional Outsource Support
4,000 resumes
In late 2018, we were approached by a current client to help set up a call center solution designed to support two critical functions: 1) TCPA Compliant Outbound Dialing, and 2) Managing In-Bound Seasonality in non-core business units.
Enter KO Business Solutions: The KO outbound team averages over 280,000 annual unique dials. These attempts are information campaigns based upon specific borrower circumstances, and warm transfer campaigns based upon the status of a borrower’s loan or obligation. Our program was established to support our client’s need to impart critical information in a non-dialer environment. To date, KO has managed 5 different product solutions and absorbed the staffing volatility ramping from 15 dedicated agents to 40 at varying intervals throughout the year.
The KO outbound team averaged over 280,000 annual unique dials. 8% increase in costs, 118,500 more calls handled, increased customer satisfaction, servicing capacity increased 54%. Managed 5 different product solutions and absorbed the staffing volatility ramping from 15 dedicated agents to 40 at varying intervals throughout the year.
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